Taking Time Away, Parental Leave & Vacation Policies

The following policies apply to Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth ("Thayer") students who wish to take time away from their studies for health or other reasons. In addition, parental leave and vacation policies for MS and PhD students enrolled in research-based programs at Thayer are also outlined below.

Time Away from Thayer Overview

There are three main categories of time away from your academic program: personal, medical, and military service. Thayer follows Dartmouth’s institutional Time Away For Medical Reasons policy and Time Away for Military Service policy, save a few exceptions. As outlined below, there are certain aspects of taking time away that are unique to your Thayer experience.

  • Types of Time Away

    • Time Away for Personal Reasons (TAPR): Students may consider time away from their academic program for a variety of reasons, including a family member’s illness. Students in good standing may request to take time away from their program. Thayer-specific information is outlined below.
    • Time Away for Medical Reasons (TAMR): Students may initiate a request for time away for medical and health reasons at any time, in accordance with Dartmouth’s TAMR policy. Required time away for medical reasons occurs when Dartmouth requires a student to take time away from Dartmouth for medical reasons. Students should refer to Dartmouth’s TAMR policy for a full review of the steps that Dartmouth must take if Dartmouth requires a student to take time away. Thayer-specific information is outlined below.
    • Time Away for Military Service (TAMS): Students who take time away for military service can return to their academic program at Dartmouth without penalty for having left because of their service. Thayer follows Dartmouth’s Time Away for Military Service (TAMS) policy.
  • Academic Program Timing

    BE, MEM, MEng, MS, and PhD students may request Time Away for a maximum of up to one year, if supported by their Program Director or Associate Dean and approved by Thayer. If a student wishes to extend Time Away, they can apply for an extension through the Time Away Director.

  • Expectations

    While taking Time Away, a Thayer student will continue to have access to email and other appropriate Dartmouth student systems. However, a Thayer student is not expected to continue with their research or academic work while taking Time Away for Personal (TAPR), Time Away For Medical Reasons (TAMR), or Time Away for Military Service (TAMS). Time Away will not be counted against time-specific deadlines set by the program (ie. a student's academic clock stops while they are taking Time Away). Terms taken as TAMR do not appear on a student’s transcript.

    Before a student begins their Time Away, they will need to engage in a request/approval process. The Thayer student will make a request, and meet with the Time Away Director. If the student is taking Time Away for Medical Reasons, they will provide documentation from a treating licensed clinician to the Time Away Director. The treating licensed clinician will outline appropriate medical treatment for each student taking TAMR; during TAMR, students are expected to receive clinically appropriate medical treatment. If the student is taking Time Away for Military Service, they will provide documentation of the service obligation in accordance with the Time Away for Military Service Policy.

For Personal Reasons

Time Away for Personal Reasons (TAPR)

Students may consider time away from their academic program for a variety of reasons, including a family member’s illness. A student in good standing may request a leave of absence through their Program Director and in close coordination with their faculty advisor (for MS and PhD students only). International students must also contact the Office of Visa and Immigration Services at Dartmouth prior to having the leave approved to understand any relevant visa implications.

A personal leave may be approved for up to one year, and may be later extended, if approved by the program. Normally, a leave will not be approved beyond a second year.

  • Implications of a Leave

    While on personal, a student retains active student status to provide access to email and other Dartmouth student systems. Thayer buildings will remain accessible to a student on leave; however, allocated student carrel space may be reassigned/relinquished.

    A student on leave is required to stay enrolled in the Dartmouth Student Group Health Plan unless an insurance waiver is submitted to and approved by the Dartmouth Health Service Office. While on leave, a student is responsible for paying the insurance installments that are billed to the student account.

    If a student does not return to their graduate program by the end of the approved leave, the student's degree candidacy is terminated and the student would be required to apply for readmission.

  • Returning from a Leave

    Students will need to take the following relevant steps when ready to initiate their return to Thayer. Please take all steps which apply to your status:

    • BE, MEM, and MEng: Contact your Program Director to notify them of your plans to return. An updated Program plan will also need to be submitted.
    • MS and PhD: Contact your Research Advisor to notify them of your plans to return. It is important for them to have as much notice as possible given potential project deadlines and funding considerations.
    • All degree program students: Contact the Thayer Registrar at least 60 days prior to the first day of the term you plan to enroll
    • International students: Contact Office of Visa and Immigration Services at Dartmouth a minimum of 60 days prior to return. A full term’s notice may be required if your visa expires during the time you are on leave.

For Medical Reasons

Time Away for Medical Reasons (TAMR)

Thayer follows Dartmouth’s Time Away for Medical Reasons (TAMR) policy. Students may initiate a request for time away for medical and health reasons at any time, in accordance with Dartmouth’s TAMR policy. Required time away for medical reasons occurs when Dartmouth requires a student to take time away from Dartmouth for medical reasons. Students should refer to Dartmouth’s TAMR policy for a full review of the steps that Dartmouth must take if Dartmouth requires a student to take time away.

Thayer students with questions about the process of taking TAMR may contact the Thayer’s process resource: Thayer Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Holly Wilkinson, or the Time Away Director for more detailed information. Thayer-specific information is outlined below.

  • Explore

    If you are considering taking Time Away from your studies, the first step is to schedule a meeting with the Time Away Director or Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs for more information about the Time Away process.

    For students considering Time Away for Medical Reasons, talk with a licensed clinician. Time Away for Medical Reasons must be assessed by a licensed clinician.

    • Your licensed clinician completes an individualized clinical assessment based on the reported physical or mental health concerns that are leading you to seek time away and documents that assessment for Dartmouth.
    • You will need to sign a Release of Information (ROI) form to allow your treating licensed clinician to send relevant information to Dartmouth’s Time Away Director.
    • Academic programs, like the Thayer, do not receive medical documentation. Instead, documentation is sent to the Time Away Director, who will share it with the appropriate clinician at DCHS.
    • The Time Away Committee sends a recommendation to your Advising Dean, Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs.
    • A student will receive individualized recommendations for treatment from a treating licensed clinician.
    • One to two weeks after a student leaves campus, the Time Away Director will contact the student to ensure they are connected with the support they need and/or to help facilitate those connections when needed. DCHS remains available to help each student connect to health resources.
    • The Time Away Director is there to support each student throughout their Time Away. For example, the Time Away Director is available to students to answer questions about returning to Dartmouth to continue their academic program.
    • International students should consult the Office of Visa and Immigration Services (OVIS) as soon as possible.
    • Review the information below describing the implications of taking Time Away.
  • Connect with Campus Offices that Support You

    We strongly encourage students to contact the relevant offices below to obtain needed information about taking time away and returning. We know contacting these offices can be daunting; students should let the Time Away Director or Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Holly Wilkinson, know if they would like assistance with contacting these offices.

  • Communicate Your Decision

    Thayer students who wish to take Time Away from Dartmouth must fill out the Thayer Time Away Form. The Time Away Director convenes the Time Away Committee to discuss the request to take Time Away for Medical Reasons. The Time Away Committee hears the specifics and provides a recommendation to the Time Away Director or your Advising Dean, the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs. Time Away must be approved by a Thayer Advising Dean to become effective.

  • Confirmation Letter

    Once your time away is formally processed and approved, you will receive a letter from The Thayer confirming your Time Away along with information about how to return to your academic program when you are ready.

  • Understanding Implications of Taking Time Away

    It is important to consider the implications of taking time away.


    While taking Time Away, a student retains access to email and other Dartmouth student systems for at least two years.

    Campus Access

    Students may access Dartmouth resources that are open to the public and participate in activities that are open to the public. In addition, students may access the library’s remote resources.

    Academic Work

    A student is not expected to continue with their research or academic work while taking Time Away , and the Time Away should not be counted against time-specific deadlines set by the program (ie. a student's academic clock stops while they are taking Time Away).


    A student’s transcript does not state the type of Time Away they took.


    • Extending Time Away for Medical Reasons: Students will need their Advisor, Program Director/Associate Dean and Thayer confirmation in order to obtain approval for extending Time Away. Time away longer than two years is not normally approved.
    • Failure to Return: If no extension has been granted and a student does not return to their Thayer degree program by the end of the approved Time Away, a student’s degree candidacy can be terminated; a student whose degree candidacy has been terminated must apply for readmission.

    For International Students

    A student’s visa may be impacted by time away from an academic program. The Office of Visa and Immigration Services is the resource for students who are learning about how taking time away from their studies impacts their immigration status, and their ability to remain in the United States.

  • Support While Taking Time Away

    Process Resource

    The Time Away Director is a resource for questions or concerns while you are taking Time Away from Dartmouth.

    Health Insurance

    If a student takes Time Away for Medical Reasons (TAMR) and is already enrolled in the Dartmouth Student Group Health Plan (DSGHP), the plan will stay in effect through August 31. A student taking TAMR who is already enrolled in DSGHP may renew the policy for up to one year, and one year only, beyond August 31, while on TAMR. If a student has questions and/or would like to discuss renewing their DSGHP policy, they should contact the DSGHP office +1 (603)646-9438 or email Dartmouth.Student.Health.Plan@Dartmouth.edu.

    For undergraduate, graduate, or professional students with demonstrated financial need and who are enrolled in DSGHP prior to taking time away for medical reasons, Dartmouth will pay for up to four terms of DSGHP insurance coverage. Students seeking financial support will be asked to sign an attestation declaring financial hardship. Students will need to work with the Time Away Office to discuss this benefit.

    If you are covered under an insurance policy (e.g., your parents/guardian), other than DSGHP, we advise you to talk to your insurance agency about the terms of your health insurance coverage. Some carriers will not cover a dependent child over eighteen years of age unless they are a full-time student. It will be important to discuss with the company to confirm your coverage if you take time away from Dartmouth.


    If you need help finding licensed clinicians in your local area, DCHS can support you through this process.

    Financial Support

    Dartmouth is unable to financially support students who have taken time away. Stipend supported students will end their stipend support on the first day of their Time Away and resume on the date of their return to their academic program. Dartmouth wants to support students who prioritize their health and wellbeing and recognizes that some students taking TAMR may face financial challenges. Dartmouth will work to identify funds and support on a case-by-case basis with the input of the Time Away Director.

    Guidelines for Return

    Students may request to return to their academic program at any time. To learn about the process for returning to your academic program after taking Time Away please visit Return Guidelines—Time Away.

  • Important Deadlines

    • Thayer has set deadlines for tuition and fee refunds for each term.
    • Students may choose to take Time Away at any time.
    • Thayer recommends that students requesting to return to their academic program after taking Time Away submit their request at least 60 days prior to the first day of the term in which they would like to enroll.
    • International students should contact the Office of Visa and Immigration Services at least 60 days prior to the first day of the term in which they would like to enroll.
  • Appeals

    If a student desires to appeal a decision, appeals may be submitted in writing to the Thayer Dean. For appeals involving Time Away for Medical Reasons, the Thayer follows Dartmouth’s Time Away For Medical Reasons Policy.

For Military Service

Time Away for Military Service (TAMS)

Students who take time away for military service can return to their academic program at Dartmouth without penalty for having left because of their service. Thayer follows Dartmouth’s Time Away for Military Service Policy.

Student Parental Leave

MS/PhD Students

Thayer follows the Guarini School’s Child Accommodation Policy for students enrolled in research-based programs (MS and PhD).

BE, MEng, MEM Students

Students in course-based academic programs (BE, MEng, and MEM) interested in pursuing child-related accommodations may contact Holly Wilkinson, Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, to discuss options for a personal leave of absence.

MS/PhD Student Vacation Policy

Dartmouth is currently in the process of implementing vacation policy updates associated with the Dartmouth and Gold-UE Collective Bargaining Agreement. Additional details will be provided as they become available.