Although students have the right to review their own education records, they may not inspect and review:
- Financial records of parents; and
- Confidential letters and confidential statements of recommendations related to the student’s admission, application for employment or receipt of an honor or honorary recognition to which a student has waived the right of access.
Student education records are located primarily in the offices of the Dean of the College, the Registrar, and the various academic departments. Students may submit a written request to inspect their records with the person who is responsible for maintaining them.
After reviewing the education record, a student who believes that the record reviewed is incorrect or misleading may ask to have the record amended. If this request is refused by the person responsible for maintaining the record, the student may request a hearing. If the decision not to amend the student’s education record is affirmed after the hearing, the student may have placed in the file a statement commenting on the contested information and stating why the student disagrees with the decision of the institution.
Copies of the Dartmouth College Student Records Policy, which details the rights summarized above and any applicable federal laws, are available in the Office of the Dean of the College. If a student has a concern about the College’s compliance with applicable federal laws concerning his or her education record, they should bring this to the attention of the Dean of the College.
A student has the right to file a complaint concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Office (FERPA), Department of Education, Washington, DC 20201.